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- Acknowledgement of Country
- From Mrs Darby
- School Calendar of Events
- Congratulation to our children making their Reconciliation
- 2025 Foundation Transition dates
- Bethlehem Bazaar
- Parents and Friends- Icy Poles
- LaTrobe Valley November Calendar
- Doxa Holiday Program
- Lions Club- Fishing Fun Day
- Morwell Christmas Festival
Dear Families,
It’s hard to believe that we are in Week 7 of Term 4 already. The term has flown by
so quickly and we are definitely on the downhill slope now towards Christmas and
the summer break.
I hope everyone managed to enjoy some of the lovely weather over the weekend, it
was certainly a bit warmer than we’ve had in a little while.I want to thank all of our children for ensuring they are sun smart here at school and wearing their hats at recess and lunchtimes. I have had to remind all students aboutuniform over the past few weeks. A reminder that black shorts, leggings, skirts etc are only part of our uniform on Thursdays and Fridays. I would also ask families to ensure that the green skorts and any sports shorts are an appropriate length for school. I understand that the fashion is to have very short shorts and skirts at the moment, but school uniform needs to remain appropriate for school, just like workplace clothes need to be.
Next week we have swimming. Please make sure all children have consent to go
swimming. We start on Monday and finish on Friday. Please ensure that children
come to school with their bathers on underneath their uniform, there really isn’t much time to get changed before their lesson. A plastic bag for wet clothes is always
helpful and anyone with long hair should have it tied back please. Parents are
welcome, but we are not allowed to have any adults in the changerooms with
children – this includes teachers and support staff. So of your child needs to practice
getting dressed and fastening buttons and zips, perhaps take the time to work on this during the week.
We had a lovely evening last week with our Year 3 and Reconciliation candidates.
Thank you to Mrs Szkwarek for organising the games night and pizza for our families
and we are very grateful to the families who came along to join in on the night.
We have had to change the date of our Bethlehem Bazaar this year due to a clash
with Year 7 transition for our Year 6 students. It will now be Friday 13th December.
Please check the dates on the newsletter to ensure that we all know what is
happening as the year comes to an end.
Our P&F have done an amazing job organising the muffin drive – these will be
delivered on Thursday. Thanks for supporting these fundraising efforts so that the
money can go towards things that would make our school more fun and engaging for
our children.Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Term 4 2024
Week 7: 21st November - Whole School Mass @9:30am
23/24 November - Reconciliation Commitment Mass 3
27th November- Foundation Transition Session 6- 2:15pm-3:00pm
Week 9: 5th December - School Captain Speeches for Year 5 Students
6th December - Bethlehem Bazaar Rescheduled
Week 10: 10th December- Statewide Transition Day- 11:15am- 1:20pm
10th December 2025 School Captains Announced
12th December- End of Year Mass and Nativity Play
13th December - Bethlehem Bazaar
Week 11: 16th December - Whole School Fun Day & Year 6 Lunch
17th December - Year 6 Graduation Mass @5pm
18th December- Students Last Day- 3pm Finish
Congratulation to our children making their Reconciliation
Congratulation to the following students who will be making their first Reconciliation on November 27th
Emmanuel Ryan
Esmae Fairbrother
Erin Robinson
Joshua Sheary
Nils Schelfhout
Tom Breheny
" Confession is an act of honesty and courage- an act of entrsuting ourselves ,beyond sin,to the mercy of a loving and forgiving God"
Parents and Friends- Icy Poles
Parents and Friends Icy Poles are back for 50 Cents on Tuesday and Thursday