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Dear Families,
This week’s Gospel was a very famous reading from Luke called The Beatitudes. What follows immediately after this is another equally well known passage where Jesus calls us to “do to others what you would have them do to you”. Just like in all schools, we use stories to help teach our children life lessons with moral and ethical values. In Catholic schools, we extend this by teaching these same things through our Catholic stories found in the Bible and we help our children take these stories and relate them to their own lives, mostly covering themes such as kindness, justice, hope and forgiveness. “Do to others as you would have them do to you” is really a passage about empathy, a key factor in building resilience and respectful relationships– which are two of our School Wide Expectations. When we build empathy, it helps us to think about how another person might be feeling. But it also helps us think about some of the reasons some people behave in the way that they do, sometimes in ways that might not be friendly or kind. This is not to say that we tolerate bullying of ANY kind, but it can help us to be a little more accepting and respectful of each other and a little more forgiving when people are not at their best.
In other news, we had our first full week of school here for 2022 last week. The children are settling into routine in their classrooms and it is lovely to walk around and see all the productive learning going on around the school. We are so fortunate here at this school with the commitment of our teachers and support staff and just how much they go that extra mile for our kids. It is just one of the many pleasant things I’ve noticed since arriving at Lumen Christi.
Hopefully all children came home last week with their Rapid Antigen Tests – we ask that families keep this up for the time being twice a week as per the government and DOSCEL recommendations. If your child didn’t receive their box of tests, please contact your classroom teacher and they should have one allocated for them.
Looks like we are getting one last blast of summer for the week ahead.
Warm regards
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 5
23rd Feb: 5pm Reconciliation Parent Workshop 1 POSTPONED until further notice
Week 6
2nd March - Ash Wednesday
Week 7
10th March: 5pm Reconciliation Parent Workshop 1 via Google Meet
Week 8
16th & 17th March - Parent Teacher Interviews (Bookings to be made available soon)
Week 9
23rd March - 5pm Reconciliation Parent Workshop 2
24th March - NAPLAN Practice Day Years 3 & 5
Week 10
31st March - District Athletics
Reconciliation Liturgy 5pm @ Sacred Heart Morwell
Week 11
8th April - End Term 1
Parents & Friends - Expressions of Interest
Would you like to be involved? It's a great way to help the school community and meet some of the other parents who do a great job organising fundraising events for the school. Here is a flyer from the Parents and Friends group, which should also be coming home with your children.
School Advisory Committee - WE WANT YOU!!!
Dear families,
I am trying to set up a School Advisory Committee, to consult with me as the Principal on important matters affecting the school. The role of this committee is to ensure that the parent voice is being heard in the running and decision making of the school.
I have been a member of the School Advisory Committee at my children's school for many years, I have found as a working mum, it is a way that I can support the school and I have found it to be a really rewarding role.
You don't need any qualifications to be on this committee other than to be a parent or carer of one of our students. It is a look into the running of the school - everything from finance to uniforms - an opportunity to represent the parent body and have your say!
If you're interested, please give me a call at the school (5122 2231) or drop me an email (
I would LOVE to hear from you.
Did you know we have a Facebook Page?
For any parents who like to keep informed through social media - we have a Facebook Page where we promote the school or send important information.
Head over to: Lumen Christi Catholic Primary School, Churchill