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Dear Families,
We had a terrific week last week here at Lumen Christi. We began the season of Lent, students across the school enjoyed making pancakes for Shrove Tuesday and participated prayerfully and respectfully in our Ash Wednesday service in the church. We thank those parents, grandparents and friends who came along to share in our beautiful liturgy in the Church. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to welcome families back into our school activities.
We were also able to celebrate our first whole school assembly in person. We had been holding assemblies online. Our school captains did a wonderful job in setting up the assembly and making sure it ran smoothly. They are really settling into their leadership roles and are a great help to me.
We welcome our Foundation Students to full time school next Tuesday after the Public Holiday.
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held next Wednesday and Thursday the 16th and 17th of March from 3:30 to 5:30. Parents will be welcome to attend in person – we do still require everyone to wear masks here inside the school buildings and to be fully vaccinated. If you are a parent or carer who does not hold an exemption or cannot comply with these requirements, please contact your class teacher and they will accommodate you with a video conference via google meets. Parent Teacher Interviews can be booked via PAM – if you have not created your PAM account, please call or pop into the school office and Janelle will assist you in setting this up.
Our School Athletics Day is Friday 18th March. We will be starting at 8:45am and we should be finished by lunchtime (around 1pm). This will be a covid safe event, we welcome parents to attend but we do ask that all adults remain socially distanced and follow the covid safe protocols we are all very familiar with by now.
On Friday 25th March, the Parents and Friends want to organise a Casual Clothes day. Children need to bring along with them donations for the Easter Raffle. The P&F met for the first time last week, we thank all of the parents who came along and those who have offered to support the work of the P&F. The School Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday 22nd March at 7pm. This will be in person at the school, we have a great group of parents wanting to be involved. Please register your interest if you would like to be a part of the group, but haven’t done so already. All welcome.
Our Reconciliation Children will attend their first workshop tonight, we pray for them as a school community asking that they grow in their relationship with God at this special time in their Catholic faith journey.
Thanks to those parents and carers who have come to say hello to me on the gate, I’m enjoying getting to know everyone. This school is a wonderful place and it is an absolute pleasure to come here to work every day.
Have a great week ahead, remember the public holiday on Monday.
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 7
8th March: 5pm Reconciliation Parent Workshop 1 in the library at school
Week 8
14th March - Labour Day Holiday
15th March - Foundation Students Full Time
16th & 17th March - Parent Teacher Interviews (Book using PAM)
18th March - School Sports/Athletics Day
Week 9
23rd March - 5pm Reconciliation Parent Workshop 2
24th March - NAPLAN Practice Day Years 3 & 5
25th March - Casual Clothes Day: Bring a donation for the Easter Raffle
Week 10
31st March - District Athletics
Reconciliation Liturgy 5pm @ Sacred Heart Morwell
Week 11
8th April - End Term 1
The P&F wanted to inform the school community about what they have been doing and where their funds will be going.
New Basketball backboards and nets have been ordered for the basketball court outside the library. These are on backorder and should be arriving in the near future.
We wish to advise families that we will be organsing an Easter Raffle for the end of term. Students can wear casual clothes on Friday 25th March and bring an Easter donation for the raffle.
There will also be a Hot Cross Bun drive - more details to come in next week's newsletter!
Thank you to those who attended out first meeting.