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Dear Families,
It is hard to believe that it is the second last week of term already. It has been a very busy first term and I’m sure everyone is beginning to feel a little weary. We have had two very interrupted years where our children have not been able to do all of their usual activities, so 2022 feels as though it has been jam-packed already with most things going back to something resembling “normal”.
Last week we had our Year 3 and Year 5 students participate in a NAPLAN practice test. This was run nationally to test the capacity of the system to have everyone logging on all at once moving from paper-based tests to an online forum.
This week, we are looking forward to filming our promotional video. We are also looking forward to District Athletics at the Yinnar Football Ground. Parents are welcome to attend.
We also have a number of children making the sacrament of Reconciliation this week, so we keep those people in our prayers that they may grow further in faith and in their relationship with God.
Thank you to everyone who made a donation to the Easter Raffle last Friday. It’s not too late if you forgot to bring in your donation, it can be brought in in the next day or two. We thank the parents and friends group for organising this, the volume of chocolate that came in is sure to make some wonderful prizes.
The Victorian Government have extended the Rapid Antigen Testing program until the end of the term, so more of these will come home this week which will be enough to test twice weekly for the remainder of Term 1 and prior to coming back to school if required. Thank you to everyone who has continued to do this, we have been very lucky with relatively low numbers of Covid cases so far.
We also thank all of the children who have been donating to the Project Compassion boxes in their classrooms. It is lovely to see children choosing to put money into the box to help others, I will be donating my weekly coffee money into our staffroom box also. We will be collecting until the end of term. Social Justice is an important part of our Catholic Identity, in particular during Lent when we explore things like “The Common Good”, “Caring for the Poor and Vulnerable” and “Solidarity”.
Just a reminder that Term 2 begins on Tuesday 26th April after ANZAC Day on the 25th.
Enjoy the rest of the week,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 10
29th March - Promotional Video Filming Day
31st March - District Athletics
Reconciliation Liturgy 5pm @ Sacred Heart Morwell
Week 11
8th April - End Term 1
Term 2 Week 1
25th April - ANZAC Day - No School
26th April - Term 2 Begins
28th April - PSGs
29th April - District Cross Country
Week 2
5th May - Mother's Day Stall
8th May - Mother's Day
Week 3
NAPLAN Week (Years 3 & 5)
10th May - NAPLAN Writing
11th May - NAPLAN Reading
12th May - NAPLAN Language Conventions
12th May - Footy Clinic
13th May - NAPLAN Maths
Week 4
18th May - Confirmation Workshop 1@ 5pm
21/22 May - Confirmation Commitment Masses
Week 5
24th May - School Advisory Committee Meeting @7pm
28/29May - Confirmation Committment Masses
Week 6
1st June - Life Ed Van session 1
Week 7
8th June - Life Ed Van session 2
Week 8
13th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Week 9
23rd June - Confirmation @ Sacred Heart
24th June - END TERM 2
Class |
Award Winners |
P/1 |
Maddie - For always treating staff and students at Lumen Christi with respect. Mason - For always being resilient and taking on new challenges in maths this week. |
1/2 |
Nate - For always being attentive during learning. Nate is such a great role model in Year 1/2
Lexi T - For persisting in her reading. Lexi has demonstrated excellent progress this term. Well done! |
3/4 |
Charlotte: For always having a crack at different tasks and always looking to extend herself through her work. Macen: For choosing the challenge questions when given the choice, challenging his thinking. |
4/5 |
Tyson - Fantastic efforts this week in improving his writing and spelling abilities. Bella - For being a fantastic role model to her peers, always modelling how to be a responsible and respectful member of Lumen Christi. |
5/6 |
Maizie - For taking on her Learning Leader role with great responsibility. The P/1 children appreciate you listening to them read. Ollie - For showing wonderful resilience with his emotions and behaviour. |
Thank you to everyone who brought in an Easter Egg donation last week.
A reminder that raffle tickets are due in on the 6th April. This will be drawn at assembly on the last day of school.
For hot cross bun orders, money needs to be on CDF Pay bi 31st March. Deliveries on 7th April.