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Dear Families,
Welcome back to school for Term 2. I hope everyone had a wonderful break. I was lucky enough to travel to the UK to spend time with family who we haven’t seen due to the pandemic. Unfortunately, this meant that I missed the end of term and our Easter celebrations.
Father James was very impressed with our Passion Play, thank you to Mrs Colaciello, Mr Clarke and to the children who took part in this. Easter is the most important date in our Catholic calendar so it was wonderful to hear reports of such respectful participation from our children.
Congratulations to the Easter Raffle winners too. If you are a winner and haven’t collected your prize, please come and see Janelle or Maree in the school office.
Yesterday was ANZAC Day, we had two students – Jack Breheny and Conner Gray attend the ANZAC Day service in Churchill yesterday morning with Mrs Campbell. Thank you to these two leaders, Mrs Campbell and their families for organising their attendance and for laying a wreath on behalf of our school. We have commemorated ANZAC Day with a prayer service in our rose garden this morning lead by our grade 4/5 students today. Again, I am able to comment on the respectful and reverent participation of our children.
As you will be aware, we had changes to our Covid rules just last Friday. Masks are now no longer required in a school setting. However, if your child is identified as a close contact, children in year 3 and above must wear a mask indoors on the days that the infected person is in quarantine at home. If your child has any symptoms at all, they must stay at home. Close contacts may only come to school if they are asymptomatic. It is also a requirement to return five negative RATs during the seven day isolation period. The RATs need to be taken at least 24 hours apart. Parents need to notify the school of positive cases and close contacts and register any positive cases on the Victorian Covid website.
I think it is also time to formally welcome parents back onto the school grounds. Please come in through the gates in the mornings and at school pick up times to collect your children from their classrooms. We are not required to check the vaccination status of visitors to the school. However, anyone who is on the school grounds in a voluntary capacity must be fully vaccinated (three doses). This includes Parents & Friends, School Advisory Committee and any other voluntary work at the school.
There are lots of exciting things happening in the school this term – remember to check the important dates on the newsletter.
Have a wonderful week,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Term 2 Week 1
25th April - ANZAC Day - No School
26th April - Term 2 Begins
28th April - PSGs
29th April - District Cross Country
Week 2
5th May - Mother's Day Stall
8th May - Mother's Day
Week 3
NAPLAN Week (Years 3 & 5)
10th May - NAPLAN Writing
11th May - NAPLAN Reading
12th May - NAPLAN Language Conventions
13th May - NAPLAN Maths
Week 4
18th May - Confirmation Workshop 1@ 5pm
19th May - Footy Clinic
21/22 May - Confirmation Commitment Masses
Week 5
24th May - School Advisory Committee Meeting @7pm
28/29th May - Confirmation Committment Masses
Week 6
1st June - Life Ed Van session 1
Week 7
8th June - Life Ed Van session 2
Week 8
13th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Week 9
23rd June - Confirmation @ Sacred Heart
24th June - END TERM 2
Just a reminder that if you have a Caritas Box at home, please return it as soon as possible so that our donations can be sent off. Many thanks to all families and children who gave to others during Lent.
From the Parents and Friends - Mother's Day Stall Next Week
We will be holding a Mother's Day Stall at school next week. A flyer will be coming home in the coming days.
Gifts are $5 each.
Please pay money to CDF pay to reduce cash handling.
If you need help setting up CDF pay, please see Janelle in the office.
Children who bring cash must collect an envelope from the office.
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships
This term, we are excited to be beginning a program called Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships in our classrooms. This is a wellbeing program that helps to build emotional literacy, problem solving skills related to real life situations, friendship skills, positive coping strategies and stress management skills.
Please ask your child's classroom teacher if you would like further information about this valuable program.
New Garden Area outside the Church
Families may have noticed the beautiful new garden area outside the church that leads up to the school. The Parish Council have done a wonderful job with this garden and respectfully ask that it is an "out of bounds" area for any children walking to and from the school.