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Dear Families,
Welcome back to another week here at Lumen Christi.
Last week, I announced the sad news that Mrs Colaciello will be leaving us at the end of next week. Mrs Colaciello joined the staff here four years ago (I believe) and has made such a great impact on our school in her various roles. Her passion for what she does will be missed here and a wonderful asset to her new school.
We very gladly have appointed Mrs Fahey to the Italian role, Mrs Ruiter to the Visual Arts role and Mrs Savige to the role of Religious Education Leader.
Last week we had a number of children compete in the District Cross Country with a number of those children going through to the next round. Mr Watson said that our children were very well behaved, showing great respect, responsibility and resilience on the day. I was exceptionally proud, but not at all surprised to hear that our children represented our school so well.
This week we celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday. We welcome our mothers or special people in our children’s lives to a special breakfast on Thursday morning at 8:10 in the eco-centre. Afterwards, we ask that you join us for our liturgy in the church.
The P&F will also be running the Mother’s Day Stall and we thank them kindly for their time and efforts in putting that together.
I have found a short prayer for mothers on Mother’s Day. We are thinking of all of those who are not with their mothers this year also.
May you be loving-kindness to those who call you ‘mother’.
May you delight in nurturing and relish the gift of children.
May your heart be open to friends and strangers in need of mothering and mentoring.
May you grow in wisdom as you experience the struggles and rewards of life.
May you go to sleep each evening aware of the protection and warmth of God’s embrace.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Term 2 Week 1
25th April - ANZAC Day - No School
26th April - Term 2 Begins
28th April - PSGs
29th April - District Cross Country
Week 2
5th May - Mother's Day Breakfast and Liturgy
- Mother's Day Stall
8th May - Mother's Day
Week 3
NAPLAN Week (Years 3 & 5)
10th May - NAPLAN Writing
11th May - NAPLAN Reading
12th May - NAPLAN Language Conventions
13th May - NAPLAN Maths
Week 4
18th May - Confirmation Workshop 1@ 5pm
19th May - Footy Clinic
21/22 May - Confirmation Commitment Masses
Week 5
24th May - School Advisory Committee Meeting @7pm
28/29th May - Confirmation Committment Masses
Week 6
1st June - Life Ed Van session 1
Week 7
8th June - Life Ed Van session 2
- Confirmation Workshop 2 @5pm
Week 8
13th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Week 9
23rd June - Confirmation @ Sacred Heart
24th June - END TERM 2
Class |
P/1 |
Anouk - for improving her resilience this week by problem solving and trying new things. Esmae - for being ready to learn and responsible by bringing her reader and words to class every day this week |
1/2 |
Lucy-Lui - for writing an amazing and exciting narrative piece ensuring she is using detail. Well done. Thomas- for his amazing efforts in reading. Thomas demonstrates resilience which is wonderful to see. |
3/4 |
Saul: For making a wonderful return to school and getting into the swing of the daily routine quickly. Billy: For showing great determination and not giving up in tough competition in the cross country. |
4/5 |
Hannah - outstanding efforts in her writing and amazing creativity. Hudson - For great resilience in problem solving and using various strategies to solve challenging tasks. |
5/6 |
Ava - for sharing your lovely smile with us. Thanks for asking such great questions in maths this week. Enjoy your big move. |
From the Parents and Friends - Mother's Day Stall on THURSDAY
We will be holding a Mother's Day Stall at school on Thursday. A flyer will be coming home in the coming days.
Gifts are $5 each.
Please pay money to CDF pay to reduce cash handling.
If you need help setting up CDF pay, please see Janelle in the office.
Children who bring cash must collect an envelope from the office.