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- From the Principal
- What's On
- Family Movie and Pizza Night THIS Friday 26th August
- Father's Day Stall 1st September
- Book Week Dress Up Day Friday 2nd September
- Class Awards
- 2023 Enrolments
- Come and See Days for preschool aged children
- Lumen Christi Playgroup THURSDAYS
- School Photography Project Permission Forms Returned
Dear Families,
We are getting ready for a busy end of the term here at Lumen Christi.
Although this week is officially Book Week, we will celebrate next week with a dress up day on Friday (2nd September). Students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character. We encourage families to try and use items already in their home rather than going out and buying anything special.
We also have our Father’s Day Stall next Thursday and our Father’s Day breakfast and liturgy.
We had our basketball teams play in the basketball competition last week. Both of our boys’ and girls’ teams represented our school beautifully, showing respect to the other players and resilience against some strong opposition. Thanks to Mr Watson and Joey Watson for organising and coaching on the day. I managed to pop down to the Leisure Centre in Churchill to watch some of the games, I was really impressed with how well we were playing as a team. Well done to everyone involved.
Sacrament News from Mrs Savige:
On Thursday evening we held our first Eucharist Workshop in the school Library. It was wonderful to see 12 families joining together to guide and support their child in making this special Sacrament. The Sacrament of Eucharist will be celebrated on Sunday the 16th of October at the Lumen Christi Church.
Prayer of blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The Rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you
In the palm of His Hand.
For those who are following the footy, we have some very happy Collingwood supporter teachers here at school this week. Another nail biter of a game for the Magpies. Good luck to all the teams as we head into the finals.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 7
24 August - Grade 3-4 Netball Clinic
26 August - Year 2 Extended Stay POSTPONED
Family Movie and Pizza Night @6:30pm in the Eco-Centre. All Welcome
Week 8
1 September - Father's Day Stall
- Father's Day Breakfast and Liturgy Whole School
1 September - Come and See Lumen Christi - Father's Day activity 2pm
2 September - Book Week Dress Up Day
Week 9
National Child Protection Week
Week 10
13th September - Grade 3-6 Excursion to Wyn City
15th September - Footy Colours Day and Fun Lunch (P&F)
15th September - Come and See Lumen Christi - Footy Fun PE session
Week 1
3 October - School Closure Day
Week 2
10th/11th October - Grade 3/4 Camp
Week 3
17th October - Book Fair at School
Week 4
24th October - School Closure
Week 5
31st October - School Closure (Melbourne Cup Weekend)
Week 6
9-11th November - Grade 5/6 Camp
Week 7
14th November - School Closure
Week 8
Week 9
2nd December - Bethlehem Bazaar
Week 10
Week 11
13th December - State Wide Transition Day
15th December - Grade 6 Graduation
Week 12
19th December - Last Day for Students
Family Movie and Pizza Night THIS Friday 26th August
The Parish would like to invite our school families along to a family pizza and movie night here at school in the eco-centre, this Friday night the 26th August.
The movie night will start at 6:30pm.
The family movie to be shown is 'Joyful Noise' starring Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah. Light comedy with good music, singing and message. Rated PG Come and enjoy a free evening of friendship, pizza and entertainment! Contact Angela 0427 646 563 for further information.
Book Week Dress Up Day Friday 2nd September
We will be celebrating Book Week on Friday 2nd September.
Children can come dressed as a character from a book.
We encourage families to use items already in their homes rather than buying new costumes.
PE lessons run on Fridays, so please ensure children have appropriate footwear.
Class |
Week 6 Class Award Winners |
P/1 |
Mia - For working hard to improve her writing by re-reading to check that she has used finger spaces and full stops correctly. Esmae - For showing great resilience this week when asked to complete some challenges in maths. |
1/2 |
Pippa- for her exceptional efforts in all her learning this week! Keep up the wonderful work, Pippa. Nils - for his resilience when presented with feedback related to his learning. Well done Nils. |
3/4 |
No Awards This Week |
4/5 |
Reed: For being absorbed in is learning and ignoring most distractions in his learning.
Shayla for outstanding writing this week, particularly her use of imagery. |
5/6 |
Ellie: for stepping up with her approach to learning, you have really taken on board a growth mindset and started to think about what is best for your own learning. A big life lesson learnt today. Isla: for having such a positive attitude and smile. Your willingness to ask questions to assist your learning in maths has been appreciated. |
Now is the time to enrol your child for existing families with an older sibling at the school. Please find attached the enrolment forms that need to be filled in. It would be great to have these back as soon as possible.
School Photography Project Permission Forms Returned
In the last few weeks, we sent out some permission forms for families to send back for a DOSCEL photography project. Please return these to school as soon as possible.
Especially if you DO NOT want your child to be a part of the photography project, we need to know so that we do not publish images of your child without permisison.
Many thanks for your cooperation with this matter.