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Dear Families,
Here we are back and excited for our final term of 2022. It’s wonderful to see everyone back at school and I hope all of the children had a restful break.
We have a busy term ahead, with lots of activities and school closures planned.
Please take note of the school closure dates:
Monday 24th October
Monday 31st October
Monday 14th November
Please remember also, as the weather warms up that students are required to wear hats outside in Term 4. If your child had lost their hat, school hats are available at the uniform shop.
Yesterday, the staff completed professional learning with the staff at St Vincent’s in Morwell in how to improve our teaching Religious Education and bible stories in particular. We understand that many of our families may not be of the Catholic Faith or Tradition, this learning was specifically about how to take Catholic stories from the Bible and teach them in an engaging way. It was a fantastic day and I know that the teachers will do a great job of bringing these new teaching strategies to their classrooms.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 1
3 October - School Closure Day
4 October - Term 4 Starts
Week 2
10th/11th October - Grade 3/4 Camp
Week 3
17th October - Book Fair at School
20th October - Come and See Lumen Christi - Let's get Creative
Week 4
24th October - School Closure
25th October - The Fathering Project "Dad's Night" - Rocket Launching
Week 5
31st October - School Closure (Melbourne Cup Weekend)
3rd November - Come and See Lumen Christi - Art activity
Week 6
9-11th November - Grade 5/6 Camp
Week 7
14th November - School Closure
17th November - Come and See Lumen Christi - Introduction to School Maths
Week 8
Week 9
28th November - Whole School Fun Day at Village Cinemas
- Grade 6 Shopping Trip and Lunch at Qu Bah
1st December - End of Year Mass and Nativity Play
2nd December - Bethlehem Bazaar
Week 10
6th December - Whole school Concert Practice
Week 11
13th December - State Wide Transition Day
15th December - Grade 6 Graduation
Week 12
19th December - Last Day for Students
Now is the time to enrol your child for existing families with an older sibling at the school. Please find attached the enrolment forms that need to be filled in. It would be great to have these back as soon as possible.