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Dear Families,
Yesterday the teachers and support staff began training in a new Literacy approach which we will be implementing next year. It was hard work, full of new learning for all of us. We certainly had to exercise our resilience. The training continues over the next four to five weeks, which is the reason for our school closure on the 14th of November. Again, I thank our families for understanding and working around this schedule with us.
I also mentioned last week in the newsletter about the final day of term 4 being on Friday 16th December, please mark this on your calendars as the last day of school for 2022.
Last week, we had some of our new foundation students come and visit us at school and partake in a school-based activity as part of their transition. It has been lovely meeting our new students and their families.
Teachers and their classes have started rehearsals for our school concert which is happening on Thursday 8th December. There will be two performances at Morwell Central Primary School.
One will be at 4:30pm and the other at 6:30pm. We are working hard on putting together a fun and entertaining concert for our parents and families. Please mark this date in your calendars and we will send more information home soon in regards to costumes and concert tickets.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 4
24th October - School Closure
25th October - The Fathering Project "Dad's Night" - Rocket Launching
28th October - Crazy Sock Day
- Halloween Disco after school
Week 5
31st October - School Closure (Melbourne Cup Weekend)
1st November - School Closure (Melbourne Cup)
3rd November - Come and See Lumen Christi - Art activity
Week 6
9-11th November - Grade 5/6 Camp
Week 7
14th November - School Closure
17th November - Come and See Lumen Christi - Introduction to School Maths
- TOUR DE CURE at school 9am - 9:30am
Week 8
Week 9
28th November - Whole School Fun Day at Village Cinemas
- Grade 6 Shopping Trip and Lunch at Qu Bah
1st December - End of Year Mass and Nativity Play
2nd December - Bethlehem Bazaar
Week 10
6th December - Whole school Concert Practice
4:30pm & 6:30pm
Week 11
13th December - State Wide Transition Day
15th December - Grade 6 Graduation
16th December - Last Day for Students 3pm finish
Week 12
19th December - Last Day for Students
19th December - School Closure
TERM 1, 2023 DATES
Week 1
31st January - Term 1 Starts for Students
This Week's Award Winners are....
Week 3
Class |
P/1 |
Lucas - For his fantastic leadership and effort during concert practice. Well done Lucas! Macey - For showing a lot of resilience when reading new texts this week. Macey is trying her best to improve her reading skills. |
1/2 |
Kash - for a welcomed and enthusiastic start to Term 4. It is great having you back Kash. Joanna - for clarifying her understanding of the main idea of text during our read aloud. Keep it up Joanna! |
3/4 |
Taj Rennie: For his excellent efforts with his learning this week and working through challenges. Great work mate. Charlotte Fairbrother: For her fantastic attitude towards her learning and her friendly/ caring demeanour towards her classmates. |
4/5 |
Ann Mary: For showing great resilience and conquering her fears on school camp. Tyson Baudendistel: Great efforts in his learning and for being extra responsible this week. |
5/6 |
Jack: making significant improvements in his concert moves and also being seriously committed to improving his own learning. Max: for showing respect to our relief teachers and for his own learning. |
Resilience is an important skill that we encourage all students to be at Lumen Christi. It is also part of our school wide expectations, to be: Respectful, Resilient and Responsible learners. Sometimes it can be hard to show resilience when you are presented with a difficult task and so this week we pray for those who are hesitant, that they accept the challenge and not be afraid to make mistakes.
Prayer for Resilience
We pray for thise who are hesitant or reluctant to shoulder some responsibility or to accept some task which has been given to them.
Give them the resilience and strength to accept their duty and calling.