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- From Mrs Darby
- School Calendar of Events
- Parents and Friends - Chocolate Fundraiser
- Dad's Night - Rocket Building with Mr Clarke
- Sports Day BBQ by Parents and Friends
- NAPLAN Information for Parents 2023
- Lavalla Information Night Year 7 2024
- National Ride to School Day Approaching
- ECSI Survey for Families
- Interested in Hockey?
- E-safety FREE webinars for parents in Term 1
- Calm Kids Central - Student Wellbeing FREE webinars for parents
- Child Safe Standards - Child Safe Standard 3
Dear Families,
Another week has flown by at Lumen Christi. A busy week of celebrating Pancake Day and observing the beginning of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Mass, which due to Father James’ availability, was held on Thursday last week.
Our children participated beautifully in our mass, a big part of this was the practise that they had with Mrs Szkwarek in music learning the songs so it is wonderful to have her back after her parental leave. It takes many members of our staff team make Lumen Christi work so well. Thank you also to Mr Clarke and the grade 3/4 children for leading our mass.
This week, we will be practising a whole school evacuation as a part of our Emergency Management planning. It’s important for the children to know what to do so that in the event of a real emergency they can be confident of the correct procedures. Each term we will practise something different for all of the different scenarios that could be a possibility in a school setting.
Next week is shaping up to be a busy week with Dad’s night and rocket launching with Mr Clarke. And we also have our sports day, which Mr Watson will be organising and running. Our Parents and Friends are organising a barbeque lunch on this day. There is a flyer attached to this newsletter with prices and information about what can be bought. We thank our P&F for their dedication to always making things fun and exciting for the children here at school. They do a wonderful job raising funds and they are a small team who dedicate a lot of their own time to organising the many events that happen throughout the school year. They always need more help and support, so please feel free to contact me if any parents would like to contribute.
As we are in the season of Lent, many children may have talked in their classrooms about “giving something up” – but we can also use this as a time of reflection and renewal, to better answer the call to Christianity, remembering to be the Light of Christ in the world, as God wants us to be.
A short Lenten Prayer
God, may Your light guide my day, and your spirit bring me peace.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 6
28th February - Rocket Launder Repair @3pm with Mr Clarke for those who can help
Week 7
8th March - Dad's Night 5 - 6:30pm
10th March - Lumen Christi Sports Day
Week 8 - Prep Children Start Full Time at School this week
13th March - Labour Day Holiday
14th March - Games Night for all Year 3 students 5:30 - 6:30
- School Advisory Committee Meeting @ 7pm in staffroom
15th March - NAPLAN Window Open for Year 3 & 5 Students
17th March - Back Up Sports Day (incase of cancellation)
Week 9
22nd & 23rd March - Parent Teacher Interviews
25th/26th March - Commitment Mass 3 Reconciliation (Receive your pin)
Week 10
30th March - Reconciliation Night @ Sacred Heart 5:30pm
Week 11
6th April - Holy Thursday Pasison Play
Easter Raffle Drawn at school
End Term 1 Finish @ 12:30pm
Week 1
24th April - School Closure Day
25th April - ANZAC Day holiday
26th April - Term 2 Begins for students
Week 2
2nd & 3rd May - Life Ed Van at School
Week 3
11th May - Mother's Day Stall
Week 4
Week 5
Lavalla Information Night Year 7 2024
We highly recommend due to high numbers of enrolments at Lavalla that families attend this evening and enrol their children by the due date to avoid disappointment.
Coming home last week, each family should have received a letter and instructions to complete the "Enhancing Catholic School Identity" Survey. This helps us to improve how we deliver Catholic education to our children. Parent opinion is important data for our school.
The survey takes about an hour to complete and is done online.
We would greatly appreciate your support.
Many thanks
E-safety FREE webinars for parents in Term 1
Online safety is a HUGE issue for our children.
There are free webinars for parents on a range of topics being run throught Term 1.
Please follow the link to register:
Calm Kids Central - Student Wellbeing FREE webinars for parents
A great resource for parents to help children navigate stress, anxiety and build resilience.
Please follow the link to register:
And also "Resilient Families" webinars run through Smiling Minds:
Child Safe Standards - Child Safe Standard 3
Standard 3: Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously
Please follow the link to learn more about this standard: