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- From Mrs Darby
- School Calendar of Events
- Dad's Night - Rocket Building with Mr Clarke
- Sports Day BBQ by Parents and Friends
- Parents and Friends - Chocolate Fundraiser
- ECSI Survey for Families
- NAPLAN Information for Parents 2023
- Lavalla Information Night Year 7 2024
- National Ride to School Day Approaching
- Child Safe Standards - Child Safe Standard 4
Dear Families,
We have an exciting few weeks ahead here at school, looking at the calendar, it’s hard to believe that we’re heading into the second half of the term already!
This week, Mr Clarke is running another fun rocket launching night for kids and their dads. If your child’s dad is not available, any adult male who plays an important role in your child’s life is the right person to send along. In the past these have been positive and enjoyable evenings, so please come along.
We also have a games night for all year three children next week and any children who are making their reconciliation. The evening will be a fun night of games for everyone and also an opportunity to give information to parents of children who will be making their Reconciliation on the 30th so it is especially important for these children to attend.
This is also the last week that our Foundation students are part time, next week after the long weekend, all foundation children will be at school full time, which is exciting. Our foundation children have settled in so well and are ready for full time school.
Sports Day is always an important event here at school. Families are welcome to come along and support all of our children in the sports. We’re looking forward to a wonderful and positive day.
Remember that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday 13th March as it is a public holiday.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 7
7th March - Soccer Clinics - children wear sports uniform
8th March - Dad's Night 5 - 6:30pm
10th March - Lumen Christi Sports Day
Week 8 - Prep Children Start Full Time at School this week
13th March - Labour Day Holiday
14th March - Netball Clinics Years 3-6 (wear sports uniform)
- Games Night for all Year 3 students 5:30 - 6:30
- School Advisory Committee Meeting @ 7pm in staffroom
15th March - NAPLAN Window Open for Year 3 & 5 Students
- NAPLAN Writing Assessment Day
16th March - Year 2/3 Class Mass @ 9:30 in the church
17th March - NAPLAN Reading and Language Conventions Assessment
- Back Up Sports Day (incase of cancellation)
Week 9
20th March - NAPLAN Numeracy Assessment
22nd & 23rd March - Parent Teacher Interviews
24th March - Casual Clothes Day and bring an Easter Raffle Donation
25th/26th March - Commitment Mass 3 Reconciliation (Receive your pin)
Week 10
30th March - Reconciliation Night @ Sacred Heart 5:30pm
Week 11
6th April - Holy Thursday Pasison Play
Easter Raffle Drawn at school @12pm
End Term 1 Finish @ 12:30pm
Week 1
24th April - School Closure Day
25th April - ANZAC Day holiday
26th April - Term 2 Begins for students
Week 2
2nd & 3rd May - Life Ed Van at School
Week 3
11th May - Mother's Day Stall
Week 4
Week 5
Coming home last week, each family should have received a letter and instructions to complete the "Enhancing Catholic School Identity" Survey. This helps us to improve how we deliver Catholic education to our children. Parent opinion is important data for our school.
The survey takes about an hour to complete and is done online.
We would greatly appreciate your support.
Many thanks
Lavalla Information Night Year 7 2024
We highly recommend due to high numbers of enrolments at Lavalla that families attend this evening and enrol their children by the due date to avoid disappointment.
Child Safe Standards - Child Safe Standard 4
Standard 4: Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing
Please follow the link to learn more about this standard: