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Dear Families,
Welcome back to Term 3! I do hope that all of our children had a good break – it’s not always a break for parents and carers though so for those who have been juggling work and the kids I’m sure going back to routine is welcome.
My family enjoyed some time in Ballarat over the holidays, we went to Sovereign Hill for a day, which was good fun. The Ballarat weather lived up to its reputation and was chilly but we went prepared with our winter woollies.
The staff at school have spent the last day of term and the first day of term in Professional Learning. We worked with our RE consultant from DOSCEL on some RE Planning around scripture. All children will be focussing on The Beatitudes this term, so we looked carefully at this reading and thought about how we could use it to plan fun and engaging leaning opportunities for our students.
Yesterday, we spent the day learning about High Impact Teaching Strategies – we are always looking to improve and grow as teachers at our school. These strategies are evidence based and have a strong impact on learning. Our teachers have been working hard on this for a while – we know that our students will benefit from this learning.
There’s a few important dates coming up, so please make sure that dates are in diaries.
Parent Teacher Interviews, Grandparents’ Day, another Dad’s night will be coming up, Father’s Day activities, Book week and Footy Day all happen this term – so lots to look forward to.
Last week, it was NAIDOC week which is important for us to acknowledge as a school. We celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal and Islander peoples across our great country and we hope that our future is one where we all grow together in understanding and unity.
I found this beautiful prayer to share with our community:
Dear Lord,
We pray for a bright and just shared future for all who call Australia home.
We ask that Your grace of acceptance and compassion will guide us.
Let the Creator Spirit lead our journey with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of this land.
May we share Your Spirit more deeply; celebrate the gifts You have given us.
Help us appreciate true harmony and peace just as our Old People did;
Keep us strong, make us resilient and remember us in this time.
Now is an opportunity to change our Nation’s history for the better.
Walk with us as we write a new chapter together and may we be one in Your love.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 1
11th July - Term 3 Starts for all children
13th July - Start of Term 3 Mass @9:30am
Week 2
20th July - Start of Term 3 Mass @9:30am
Week 3
26th/27th July - Parent Teacher Interviews (3:30 - 5pm)
Week 4
3rd August - Grandparents Day Breakfast & Mass
Week 5
8th August - Meerkat Productions (School Incursion)
Week 6
Week 7
21st August - Book Week Dress Up Day
Week 8
31st August - Father's Day Breakfast
Father's Day Stall
Week 9
Week 10
14th Spetember - Footy Colours Day
15th September - SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY
At the end of last term, we said goodbye to Ms Hanratty who took on our PE role this year. Ms Hanratty was offered a new opportunity which she couldn't turn down.
We thank Ms Hanratty for her work here this year and wish her well in her new role.
We have a short term teacher in place to teach PE until we can find a high quality replacement.
We have started the recruitment process and are hoping to have someone in the role soon.
Until that time, Mr Caffrey will be taking PE on Thursdays. Mr Caffrey has taught at Lumen Christi as a CRT on many occasions and we are very grateful to him for filling in for the beginning of the term.
Lunch Orders are on Wednesdays.
Download the Spriggy Schools app, set up an account for each child and start ordering!
Lots of healthy options.
They will be delivered before playtime so the option is there to include ALL food your child needs for the whole day - a day off from making lunches!
Instructions in the information sheet provided.
NB: Mini grazing boxes need to be ordered by 3pm on Tuesdays.
All other orders by 7:30pm Tuesday evening.
Feedback welcome.