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- From Mrs Darby
- School Calendar of Events
- Week 2 Award Winners
- Lumen Christi Book Fair 2023
- Responsible Social Media Activity
- Beanies are BACK!
- Dad's Night
- Changes to Lunch Orders on WEDNESDAY - PLEASE READ
- Churchill Aussie Hoops information
- Churchill Tennis Club information
- St Vinnies Traralgon Soup Van information
Dear Families,
Welcome to Week 3! Another term well on the way and lots happening on the school
This week, we have Parent Teacher Interviews – if you are yet to make your appointment, please jump on to PAM and book a slot with your child’s teacher. If you don’t have access to PAM, call the office or pop in and we will help you. It’s really important that parents attend now that mid-year reports have gone home, this is the opportunity for us to inform you further about your child’s progress and answer any questions you might have.
Of course, we are always available for parents to chat to. Teachers are always happy to make a time to chat to parents should other things arise during the year.
Next week, we have the Book Fair at school and Mr Clarke is running yet another dad’s night. Please RSVP so we know how many people to expect. Previous dad’s nights have been a great success and lots of fun. Mr Clarke does an amazing job organising these hands-on activities for kids to enjoy with their dads or other important male figures in the lives of our children. So please come along if you are free and have the time.
Last week, we celebrated our Beginning of Term “Kindness” Mass. Thank you to our parents, families and friends who came along. It was a wonderful celebration to start off the term and I think Father James enjoyed the whole congregation singing Happy Birthday to him also.
During the mass, we watched this reflection. I will share the link here for families to watch if they have the time:
As a Catholic School, the principles of Catholic Social Teaching are always present in our learning, especially during Religious Education lessons. Catholic Social Teaching is basically our call as Catholics to look after each other and our beautiful world always striving to make it a better place for the future. I know that all our teachers are working towards responding to this call in their classrooms with the children this term.
Finally, I know we have lots of soccer fans in our school community. It’s so wonderful having the women’s World Cup being played here in Australia at the moment. There is a fantastic Matilda’s documentary on Disney + for those lucky enough to have access to this streaming platform. Such wonderful role models for our children and great examples of working hard to achieve their goals. If you don’t have access to that, tune in to a game or two and get behind this amazing team. Go Matildas!!
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 1
11th July - Term 3 Starts for all children
13th July - Start of Term 3 Mass @9:30am
Week 2
20th July - Start of Term 3 Mass @9:30am
Week 3
26th/27th July - Parent Teacher Interviews (3:30 - 5pm)
Week 4
2nd August - Dad's Night
3rd August - Grandparents Day Breakfast & Mass
Week 5
8th August - Meerkat Productions (School Incursion)
10th August - Grandparents Day Breakfast & Mass
Week 6
Week 7
21st August - Book Week Dress Up Day
Week 8
31st August - Father's Day Breakfast
Father's Day Stall
Week 9
Week 10
14th Spetember - Footy Colours Day
15th September - SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY
Lumen Christi Book Fair is back for 2023! Book Fair is a great fundraiser for our library and a fun way to get your hands on some wonderful books.
Book Fair begins next week- Monday 31st of July
Monday 8:15am- 8:30am 3:00pm- 3:15pm
Tuesday 8:15am- 8:30am 3:00pm- 3:15pm
Wednesday 8:15am- 8:30am 3:00pm- 3:15pm
Thursday 8:15am- 8:30am 3:00pm- 3:15pm
Friday 8:15am- 8:30am
We can’t wait to see you there!
Responsible Social Media Activity
At Lumen Christi, whilst we strongly recommend that age restrictions are adhered to, we respect the decisions that our parents make about allowing the use of Social Media in their homes.
From time to time with social media, issues arise in the home that filter into school in regards to the online behaviour of some children.
I strongly recommend that parents and children understand both their rights and responsibilities when it comes to online behaviour and both the benefits and risks of the use of social media for young children and pre-teens. In particular, both parents and children need to understand what consitutes online bullying and any behaviour that could have legal ramifications.
Below is a link from "Raising Children" that outlines some information in regards to social media for kids. It is worth having a look and having a discussion with our kids about some of the content and most importantly respectful behaviour online. Social Media is an increasingly important part of how we communicate and connect with people, but using it in an inappropriate way can have a negative effect on others and this is not okay.
Beanies are back in stock!
These will come in handy on these chilly mornings.
Purchase our beanies from the office or CDF pay for $18
Changes to Lunch Orders on WEDNESDAY - PLEASE READ
Lunch Orders are on Wednesdays.
Download the Spriggy Schools app, set up an account for each child and start ordering!
They will be delivered before playtime so the option is there to include ALL food your child needs for the whole day - a day off from making lunches!
Lots of healthy options.
Instructions in the information sheet provided.
NB: Mini grazing boxes need to be ordered by 3pm on Tuesdays.
All other orders by 7:30pm Tuesday evening.
Starting from Wednesday the 19th July, LunchRun will be offering hot food options for students fortnightly. On these Wednesdays there will be no snack available, only lunch.
Every other Wednesday will be the regular lunchbox menu - NO HOT FOOD
An updated QR code has been added to the information sheet provided.
Feedback welcome.