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Dear Families,
What a fantastic week we had here at school last week. We started the week off with Book Week Dress Up Day, the children had a wonderful day and Mrs Wilson in our library organised a day of fun activities.
Mrs Szkwarek also organised a music experience last Friday for our children with Kaboom Percussion which was lots of fun and very exciting also.
We also had our first transition session for our new Foundation students on Wednesday. It was so lovely to welcome our new students and their families to our school for the first time. Our next session is Wednesday 6th September.
This week, we look forward to inviting our dads and other special people to school for Father’s Day breakfast. This will start at 8:10am in the Eco-Centre. All welcome. Our Parents and Friends groups will also be running the Father’s Day stall on this day.
We are well on the way to finishing up another term of school. Please remember that we have “Footy Colours Day” coming up on Thursday 14th September and that Friday 15th September is a school closure day.
Last week, I attended the Religious Education Leaders conference in Warragul. We worked with a lecturer from Australian Catholic University looking at the Gospel of Mark. The big theme for the learning was the hope that Jesus brings, even in times of our lives where we might be stepping forward into uncertain or difficult times ahead. Being able to still have agency and hope for better times in the future was a key theme and relevant for all of us, including our children. Here at Lumen Christi, we use Gospel stories and look for the key messages that might be relevant to our own lives and we also explicitly teach positive coping and problem-solving strategies through oue Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program – all important work for our kids living in today’s world.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 8
31st August - Father's Day Breakfast
Father's Day Stall
1st September - P/1 100 days of School
Week 9
4th September - The Big Sing 2023
6th September - 2nd Prep Transition Session
Week 10
14th Spetember - Footy Colours Day
15th September - SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY
Week 1
Week 2
11th October - Prep Transition Session 3
Week 3
16th - 18th October - Grade 5/6 City Camp
Week 4
25th October - Prep Transition Session 4
27th October - Halloween Disco (Run by P&F)
Week 5
3rd November - PUPIL FREE DAY
Week 6
7th November - Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday
10th November - PnF Colour Run
Week 7
Week 8
20th - 24th November - School Swimming Week
Week 9
1st December - Bethlehem Bazaar
Week 10
7th December - End of Year Mass 9:30am
8th December - Kurnai Churchill Transition Day
Week 11
11th December - Kurnai Churchill Transition Day
12th December - State Wide Transition Day
Kurnai, Lowanna & Lavalla Transition Day
13th December - Whole School Fun day
Grade 6 Lunch
Changes to Lunch Orders on WEDNESDAY - PLEASE READ
Lunch Orders are on Wednesdays.
Download the Spriggy Schools app, set up an account for each child and start ordering!
They will be delivered before playtime so the option is there to include ALL food your child needs for the whole day - a day off from making lunches!
Lots of healthy options.
Instructions in the information sheet provided.
NB: Mini grazing boxes need to be ordered by 3pm on Tuesdays.
All other orders by 7:30pm Tuesday evening.
Starting from Wednesday the 19th July, LunchRun will be offering hot food options for students fortnightly. On these Wednesdays there will be no snack available, only lunch.
Every other Wednesday will be the regular lunchbox menu - NO HOT FOOD
An updated QR code has been added to the information sheet provided.
Feedback welcome.
Beanies are back in stock!
These will come in handy on these chilly mornings.
Purchase our beanies from the office or CDF pay for $18