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Dear Families,
Thank you to our families who attended our beginning of term mass last week. It was lovely to have everyone there.
The theme of our mass was Mission Month. The theme of Mission Month this year is, "Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move". We would like to raise money for the Catholic Mission in Timor-Leste by having a "Crazy Sock Day" on Friday 27th October or "Socktober" as it is know in Mission Month. All children can wear crazy socks to school and please bring a gold coin donation that we can send to the Missions.
This week, the grade 5/6 children are on camp in Melbourne. Mr Mahoney has planned an amazing camp, which is an experience we hope we can continue to offer in the future.
We have children preparing for the sacrament of Eucharist at the moment, so we keep them in our prayers at this special time in their faith journey also.
We are continuing to have our 2024 Foundation students along for Transition sessions. Last week, they took part in a technology and coding session, which was realy exciting. Miss Smith is doing a wonderful job preparing our newest members of our school community and getting them ready for school.
Remember we also have the Colour Run coming up - which lucky family will get to slime the principal?
And Zooper Doopers are back on sale this term. Thanks to our P&F for their continued efforts raising money for the school.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 3
16th - 18th October - Grade 5/6 City Camp
Week 4
25th October - Prep Transition Session 4
27th October - Halloween Disco (Run by P&F)
Week 5
3rd November - PUPIL FREE DAY
Week 6
7th November - Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday
10th November - PnF Colour Run
Week 7
15th November - Prep Transition Session 5 - Auslan
Week 8
20th - 24th November - School Swimming Week
Week 9
1st December - Bethlehem Bazaar
Week 10
4th-5th December - Grade 3/4 Camp - Allambee
7th December - Grade 6 Graduation @ 5pm
8th December - Kurnai Churchill Transition Day
Week 11
11th December - Kurnai Churchill Transition Day
12th December - State Wide Transition Day
Kurnai, Lowanna & Lavalla Transition Day
14th December - Whole School Fun day (To be advised)
Grade 6 Lunch (To be advised)
15th December - Last day of term- 3pm finish
Parents & Friends - Zooper Doopers are BACK!
Our P&F have organised to sell Zooper Doopers again at school this term.
They will be available on Tuesdays and Fridays at lunchtimes.
The cost will be $1 each.
New School Uniform Addition - Skort
Parents & Friends Facebook Page
The Parents and Friends commitee would like to remind everyone about their facebook page. On this page you can find all the information about upcoming PnF events at the school, as well as second hand uniform information.