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- From Mrs Darby
- School Calendar of Events
- Upcoming Student Free days!
- Week 5- Students of the Week
- Aussie's of the month!
- First Euchrist students
- Colour Run
- School Swimming reminder
- New School Uniform Addition - Skort
- Parents & Friends Facebook Page
- Parents & Friends - Zooper Doopers are BACK! -
- Doxa Holiday Camp 2024
- 2024 update Concession Card forms
Dear Families,
Firstly, congratulations to our Year Four students who made the Sacrament of First Eucharist over the weekend. It was a lovely celebration and so wonderful to have our families celebrating with us and the wider parish. A huge thank you to the Parish for providing a beautiful morning tea to celebrate. It was also lovely to have our families attend our Eucharist night at school. It is very important to me as the Principal at this school that all children get to experience parts of the Catholic Tradition, even if they are not Catholic or making their sacraments. Being a community is who we are as a school, so thank you to those families who came out on Tuesday night to gather together and share a meal with each other.
Please remember that we have some school closures coming up on Friday, Monday and Tuesday, which is Melbourne Cup holiday. There will be no staff at school on these days.
The Colour Run is fast approaching, so make sure children have their white t-shirts ready. There are a limited number available from the school office for $4 for those children who would like to purchase one here.
Remember that Swimming will be coming up in Week 8 and for those children transitioning to secondary school, their transition sessions will be fast approaching too.
We also have camp for our 3/4s early in December, which will be a fun and exciting couple of days for them.
Again, I ask families to keep those in areas of conflict around the world in their prayers. I am sure I am not alone, watching on in sadness at what is going on in the world.
Lastly, thank you for sending the children along in their crazy socks and raising money for the people in Timor Leste, we will be making a donation to the Catholic Mission on behalf of the school.
And the Halloween Disco was a great success – thank you to the P&F for their organisation and to our staff who provided supervision on the night.
Have a wonderful week ahead
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 5
3rd November - PUPIL FREE DAY
Week 6
7th November - Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday
9th November- First Aid for Kids
10th November - PnF Colour Run
Week 7
15th November - Prep Transition Session 5 - Auslan
Week 8
20th - 24th November - School Swimming Week
Week 9
1st December - Bethlehem Bazaar
Week 10
4th-5th December - Grade 3/4 Camp - Allambee
7th December - Grade 6 Graduation @ 5pm
8th December - Kurnai Churchill Transition Day
Week 11
11th December - Kurnai Churchill Transition Day
12th December - State Wide Transition Day
Kurnai, Lowanna & Lavalla Transition Day
14th December - End of Year Mass @ 9:30
Whole School Fun day
Grade 6 Lunch (To be advised)
15th December - Last day of term- 3pm finish
We have a couple of student free days coming up!
This Friday the 3rd of November is a student free day, there will be no staff on site so please remember to keep your kids at home!
Monday the 6th of November is also a student free day, once again there will be no staff on site.
Lastly Tuesday the 7th of November is the Melbourne Cup public holiday, there will be no staff on site.
Enjoy the extra long weekend!
Congratulations to all of our students of the week for putting a lot of effort into their learning this week.
What an amazing assembly we had on Friday!
A big congratulations to all 3 of our Aussies of the Month for their ongoing kindness and resilience this year.
students can start to bring in their white t-shirts from now on!
All shirts can be handed in to Janelle in the office. Please ensure your child’s name is clearly labelled on the shirt and are handed in by Wednesday 8th November 2023.
We will have a limited number of white shirts available to purchase through CDFPay for $4 each.
Shirts will be handed back to students on the morning of the event to make the colour POP!
Sunglasses , headbands, and all other materials will be supplied.
Also, don’t forget to get those last-minute donations in . Ready to run and get splattered in colour? Can’t wait to see you all!
Just a quick reminder that school swimming is coming up on the 20th-24th of November. students will be bused to and from the Churchill Lesuire Centre
New School Uniform Addition - Skort
Parents & Friends Facebook Page
The Parents and Friends commitee would like to remind everyone about their facebook page. On this page you can find all the information about upcoming PnF events at the school, as well as second hand uniform information.
Parents & Friends - Zooper Doopers are BACK! -
Our P&F have organised to sell Zooper Doopers again at school this term.
They will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunchtimes. Icy poles will also be available on Fridays when the weather is hot.
The cost will be 50c. each.