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- From Mrs Darby
- School Calendar of Events
- Week 7- Students of the Week
- Ellie Birch- Horse riding
- School Swimming reminder
- Whole School Fun Day and Grade 6 lunch
- Churchill Family fishing day
- Parents & Friends - Zooper Doopers are BACK!
- Lunch Run
- New School Uniform Addition - Skort
- Parents & Friends Facebook Page
- Doxa Holiday Camp 2024
- 2024 update Concession Card forms
Dear Families,
The end of the year is fast approaching, lots of activities are happening here at the school. We are enjoying our swimming program this week, we have Bethlehem Bazaar coming up next week and then our grade 3/4s are off to camp.
Please remember that our whole school end of year movie trip is happening soon also – please remember to give consent on PAM or let the office know if you are not using PAM so that all children get to go to the movie. I would hate to have to disappoint a child on the day.
Grade 6 have their graduation ceremony coming up too as well as their Year 7 transition sessions and their lunch – again this needs permission ticked on PAM and each child needs to be picked up at Café Qu Bah. Remember to send the note in so teachers know who each child is going home with.
We also have our Nativity play and Advent Mass coming up also – this is a very special and important part of our school tradition and in the life of the Catholic Church. Christmas is often the highlight of the year for many children and families and the Christmas story is a joyful one with the birth of baby Jesus.
I have a HUGE thank you to say to Shane Wilson, who removed the crate of aluminium cans form the
school last week. We are so lucky at this school to have such a fantastic parent community. Thank you to Shane for your hard work last week and thank you to all of our parents who help and support the school in any way, big or small.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 8
20th - 24th November - School Swimming Week
Week 9
1st December - Bethlehem Bazaar
Week 10
4th-5th December - Grade 3/4 Camp - Allambee
7th December - Grade 6 Graduation @ 5pm
8th December - Kurnai Churchill Transition Day
Week 11
11th December - Kurnai Churchill Transition Day
12th December - State Wide Transition Day
Kurnai, Lowanna & Lavalla Transition Day
14th December - End of Year Mass @ 9:30
Whole School Fun day
Grade 6 Lunch @ Cafe Qu Bah
15th December - Last day of term- 3pm finish
Congratulations to all of our students of the week for putting a lot of effort into their learning.
Congratulations Ellie for representing our school on Wedneday the 15th of November in Maffra! Ellie placed 5th! Well done.
Just a quick reminder that school swimming is this week. Students will travel by bus to and from the Churchill Lesuire Centre. Please remember to send your child to school with their bathers, goggles and a towel each day this week. A plastic bag for wet items is recommended also.
Whole School Fun Day and Grade 6 lunch
This year's whole school fun day is fast approching, on Thursday the 14th of December. Please remember to give consent on PAM. If you're having trouble please don't heisitate to call the office, we are more than happy to help.
Our grade 6 Lunch is also coming up on the same day, forms were sent home with students in regards to dietey requirments and pick up arrangements for students from Cafe Qu Bah. Please return these forms to the office at your earliest convenience.
Parents & Friends - Zooper Doopers are BACK!
Our P&F have organised to sell Zooper Doopers again at school this term.
They will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunchtimes. Icy poles will also be available on Fridays when the weather is hot.
The cost will be 50c. each.
Just a quick reminder that the Lunch Run has finished for the year! Please remember to send your child/ren to school with lunch and snack on a wednesday for the rest of the term. We will pass on information about the Lunch Run for next year shortly
New School Uniform Addition - Skort
Parents & Friends Facebook Page
The Parents and Friends commitee would like to remind everyone about their facebook page. On this page you can find all the information about upcoming PnF events at the school, as well as second hand uniform information.