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- From Mrs Darby
- School Calendar of Events
- Week 9- Students of the Week
- Bethlehem Bazaar
- Very Short Parent Survey
- Morwell fun day
- Mid Valley Christmas stage
- Whole School Fun Day and Grade 6 lunch
- New School Uniform Addition - Skort
- Parents & Friends Facebook Page
- Parents & Friends - Zooper Doopers are BACK!
- 2024 update Concession Card forms
- Lunch Run
- Doxa Holiday Camp 2024
Dear Families,
Here we are in December, finally the weather has caught up and the sun has decided to come out.
Our Grade 3 and 4 students went off to camp yesterday and seem to have had a most wonderful time. Thank you to all the staff who organised and attended camp so that our children could have this experience.
Our Year 5 students will be making their School Captaincy Speeches on Friday, good luck to them all and I know we will have many children capable of doing these important roles in the school put themselves forward on the day. It’s a big moment for them.
This week, our Year 6 students will graduate on Thursday evening. We hope that we have planned a wonderful mass and awards ceremony for them and their families. We look forward to acknowledging them all and celebrating this important milestone in their lives.
Last week on Friday, we held our Bethlehem Bazaar in the eco-centre. It was such a wonderful event, the children ran really great stalls and raised money for Vinnie’s. I would like to thanks the Year 6 staff for the work that went into preparing and running the day. It is a huge effort and takes a lot of work. I’d also like to thank our wonderful school community. We are a small community, but we contribute in a huge way when it matters. For families to put their hands in their pockets and give so generously at this time of year is overwhelmingly generous. We raised over $1000 last Friday, an unbelievable effort! As a Catholic school community, a focus on social justice is one of the key characteristics that set us apart from other school communities. I couldn’t be prouder or more appreciative. Thank you so much to everybody.
Next week on Tuesday, we will have our 2024 Transition sessions into our new classes and welcome our new Foundation students to the school. This will run between 11:15am and 1:20pm, so it will be important for all students to attend on this day to meet their new teachers. I am very excited about our school staffing structure for 2024. I will be sending this information home on Friday.
Finally, as a Catholic community, we are now in the season of Advent. This is a time of waiting for the wonderful and hopeful things that lie ahead. We sheared this beautiful prayer together in our staff meeting last week and I wanted to share it with our community.
An Advent Prayer
God of Love, your Son Jesus is your greatest gift to us.
He is a sign of your love.
Help us walk in that love during the weeks of Advent, as we wait and prepare for His coming.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Saviour.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Week 10
4th-5th December - Grade 3/4 Camp - Allambee
7th December - Grade 6 Graduation @ 5pm
8th December - Kurnai Churchill Transition Day
Week 11
11th December - Kurnai Churchill Transition Day
12th December - State Wide Transition Day
Kurnai, Lowanna & Lavalla Transition Day
14th December - End of Year Mass @ 9:30
Whole School Fun day
Grade 6 Lunch @ Cafe Qu Bah
15th December - Last day of term- 3pm finish
TERM 1 2024
Week 1-31st January- Students return
Week 2- 7th February- Foundation students rest day
Week 3- 14th February- Foundation students rest day
Week 4- 21st- February- Foundation students rest day
Week 5-28th February- Foundation students rest day
Week 6-6th March- Foundation students rest day
Week 7- 11th- Labour day weekend
13th- Foundation students back full time
Congratulations to all of our students of the week for putting a lot of effort into their learning.
Lots of fun at our Bethlehem Bazaar today! Well done grade 5/6 staff and students and thank you Lumen Christi for the support!
Congratulations to Alex Connell who won a top 10 award for the Christmas Card competition for our diocese. What stunning entry. We are so proud.
Dear Families,
Please can I ask for all families to respond to this very short survey.
It is about understanding how to improve our Catholic Identity in the school.
You don't have to be Catholic to take the survey.
This will help Lumen Christi move forward next year as our school is under review.
The link for your survey is:
Many thanks
Whole School Fun Day and Grade 6 lunch
This year's whole school fun day is fast approching, on Thursday the 14th of December. Please remember to give consent on PAM. If you're having trouble please don't heisitate to call the office, we are more than happy to help.
Our grade 6 Lunch is also coming up on the same day, forms were sent home with students in regards to dietey requirments and pick up arrangements for students from Cafe Qu Bah. Please return these forms to the office at your earliest convenience.
New School Uniform Addition - Skort
Parents & Friends Facebook Page
The Parents and Friends commitee would like to remind everyone about their facebook page. On this page you can find all the information about upcoming PnF events at the school, as well as second hand uniform information.
Parents & Friends - Zooper Doopers are BACK!
Our P&F have organised to sell Zooper Doopers again at school this term.
They will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunchtimes. Icy poles will also be available on Fridays when the weather is hot.
The cost will be 50c. each.
Just a quick reminder that the Lunch Run has finished for the year! Please remember to send your child/ren to school with lunch and snack on a Wednesday for the rest of the term. We will pass on information about the Lunch Run for next year shortly.