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- From Mrs Darby
- School Calendar of Events
- Week 3 award winners
- Student Representative Council
- Cross Country
- School Photo ordering- THURSDAY 9TH OF MAY
- Mother's Day Stall
- Child Safety Standard 4
- All Ability footy
- School Photo Uniform REMINDER
- Parents and Friends Cadbury Chocolate Fundraiser
- Eco-friendly supplies needed
Dear Families,
What a lovely turn out we had last week for our Mother’s Day breakfast and Mass. Thank you all for making the effort to be here. We really enjoyed seeing our mums, nans, aunties and special people in the Eco-Centre enjoying the pancakes and a cuppa with their children. Thank you to Emily Connell also for making the beautiful banana bread which was delicious and very generous of you!
We also had a number of children represent the school last week in District Cross Country. Congratulations to all of the children who were resilient in giving the long distance running their best effort. We are proud of all of you. Huge congratulations to Billy Breheny, Tom Breheny and Joanna Mathew who are all through to the next round.
Moving into the winter months, it is a timely reminder to revisit some of the protocols that we had in place during covid. Please remind children about sneezing and coughing into elbows, washing/sanitising hands and making sure we stop the spread of germs. Please keep sick children home from school. If they are coughing, have runny noses or need pain relief (paracetamol or ibuprofen) they probably need a day at home to rest.
It’s also a timely reminder to have a chat about attendance at school and punctuality. We have a number of children who are missing a lot of school or arriving at school habitually late. When children are away from school or late to school, they are missing out on key learning in the classroom and when this happens on a regular basis, their progress suffers. As well as this, they are missing out on time with friends and building relationships. It is very important that children attend school on time and every day unless they are sick. Ideally attendance should be above 90%.
A reminder that school photos are this Thursday. Children need to be at school in their normal school uniform NOT sports uniform – just for this week. A reminder that girls wear grey socks or tights – not white socks. Many thanks to all of our parents who have made sure their children are in the correct uniform. I’m very happy with how much we’ve improved in such a short time so thank you all.
Our “Backflips Against Bullying” show will be here next week on Monday. This looks like such a fun way for our children to learn about the topic of bullying. I have included a link to a video that demonstrates what the program is about.
Over the past few weeks, the issue of Domestic Violence against women has been highlighted in our media. This is a huge problem that we are facing in our country and in the Latrobe Valley in particular. In speaking on this topic, Pope Francis has said that “it is the responsibility of each of us to give a voice to our voiceless sisters."
“Let us not remain indifferent!” he says, “We must act now, at all levels, with determination, urgency, and courage.”
We pray as a Catholic community that women experiencing domestic violence are able to access the help that they need and that those who hold power in government give this issue serious consideration moving forward.
The number to call for reporting Domestic Violence is: 1800RESPECT - 1800 737 732
Have a wonderful week ahead
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
TERM 2 2024
Week 4: 9th May - School Photos
Week 5: 13th May - Backflips against Bullying Show
Week 6: 23rd May- Yinnar and Distract Soccer
Confirmation Night
24th May- Pupil Free Day (Professional Learning for Staff)
Week 7:
Week 8: 7th June- Pupil Free Day (Professional Learning for Staff)
Week 9: 10th June- Kings Birthday Public Holiday
Week 10:
Week 11: 28th June-Last day Term 2
A few children were away this week and couldn’t receive their Student of the Week award but congratulations to these wonderful children for their respectful, resilient, responsible learning at school!
Student Representative Council
We have some fantastic new leaders at our school. Here are our students chosen to be the Student Representative Council in 2024. Mrs Darby can’t wait to hear your ideas for making our school even better!
Congratulation to everybody that competed at Cross Country last Thursday!
An extra congratulations to Billy Breheny on making it through to the next stage
School Photo ordering- THURSDAY 9TH OF MAY
Remember school photos are next Thursday. We are using a new company for our photos this year, so if parents/guardians are unsure of how to order photos, please chat to Janelle or Zahli in the school office who will be happy to help.
Our Parents and Friends are running a Mother's Day Stall on Friday the 10th of May.
A CDF pay will be set up to purchase $5 or $10 present tokens.
Child Safe Standard 4
Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
School photos are fast approching on Thursday the 9th of May and on this day, we would ask that all students come in the correct winter uniform. The winter uniform options are, either the grey tunic or grey pants/shorts with grey socks or grey tights. Girls have the option to wear grey pants if they prefer this option to the tunic. Black shoes need to be worn. Black skirts and leggings are not part of our normal uniform. In the past I have allowed leggings on very cold days. School photos fall on a Thursday this year which is usually a PE uniform day, but for school photos we will not wear PE uniform on this day. Grade 6 students are encoruged to wear their grade 6 shirts. Below is students in the correct winter unifrom please refer to these for more information.
Mrs Fahey and students are making an eco-friendly sculpture for a competition and is asking for families to donate the following:
- cereal boxes
- 1L box milk cartons
- Milk bottle
- Green and blue lids