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Dear Families,
Welcome back to Lumen Christi after the summer break and welcome to our new families – we have a number of new families in our Foundation class as well as other children who have joined our school community in other classes. As school staff, we spend time in the school preparing for the arrival of our children at the beginning of every school year, but the school really doesn’t come alive until there are children in it. That is what we are all here for and it has been lovely to see all of their smiling faces walking through the gates in the morning.
I’d like to welcome our new staff too.
Mrs Louise Clarke has joined us. She will be teaching two days a week (Monday and Tuesday) in Grade 1/2 and will also transition into the role of Senior Leader once Miss Kristie Smith takes her parental leave.
Mrs Regina Sullivan will teach in Grade 1/2 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Kerry Adams will be establishing the role of Mental Health in Primary Sschools leader as well as teaching in Grade 3/4 on Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Courtney Smythe will teach Art on Thursdays.
Mrs Jodie Wilson has joined us as a full time LSO in Grade 5/6.
Mrs Krystelle Campbell is new in the office and will be working in Administration and Compliance on Monday and Tuesday.
The beginning of the new school year is such as exciting time and I want to congratulate all of our children who have settled into school with their new teachers so well.
A few reminders:
- We need hats at school
- Correct Uniform of Correct Days: P.E is now Monday and Friday
- Reading Logs will be checked every day. Let’s get our children reading consistently in every class.
Thank you to everyone for a wonderful start to 2025.
We will be celebrating our beginning of year mass next Thursday at 9:30 in the church. Please come along and enjoy this celebration with us.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Term 1 2025
Week 1: THURSDAY 30th Januray- First Day of school for all students (F-6)
Week 2: 5th February- Foundation Rest Day
Week 3: 12th February- Foundation Rest Day
13th February - Beginning of Year Mass
14th February - Andrew Chinn Incursion
Week 4: 18th February - School photos
19th February- Foundation Rest Day
21st February - District Swimming (for selected children only)
Week 5: 26th February-Foundation Rest Day
Week 6: 5th March- Foundation Rest Day
3rd - 5th March - Grade 5/6 Camp to Melbourne
6th March - Whole School Mass
7th March - Whole School Sports Day
8/9 March - Eucharist Commitment Mass 1
Week 7: Foundation First Full week
12th - 14th March - NAPLAN Window Open
15th/16th March - Eucharist Commitment Mass 2
Week 8: 17-21st March - Australian Smile Group
17th - 21st March - NAPLAN
Week 9: 24th March - NAPLAN Last Day
30th March - First Eucharist Celebration 9:30am at Lumen Christi Church
Week 10: 3rd April - End of Term Mass 9:30am
4th April: Grade 5/6 Passion Play and Easter Raffle (Time TBA)