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Dear Families,
We have hit the “half-way” mark of this first term and I would like to say how well all children have settled in and are focussed on their learning in classrooms. I am noticing lots of positive things around the school – children are making a fantastic effort to be in the correct school uniform on the correct days. A reminder that sports days are on Mondays and Fridays this year. This means that children wear black shorts/skirts and their polo shirt on these days please.
Next week is our school sports day – a reminder to families that children can wear their team colour on this day. So, if they are in “Red Team”, they can wear a red t-shirt and so on for the other teams in the school.
School sports day is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a school community and celebrate athletics and watch our children participate in all of the different events. We talk with the children about our school wide expectations before the day. Important for children is to participate respectfully and responsibly, but to also exercise their resilience on this day also. For many children, it can be hard to participate in an event and not run, jump or throw longer or faster than other children and it is okay to feel disappointment. The important part is what they do next… Is it okay to cry? Of course it is - sometimes this shows that they tried hard and wanted to do well. However also, if we want to do well at things, it’s important to work hard at it, to train and to practice. Sometimes this is the bit that is missing. It’s important that we highlight that success usually comes from continuous effort over time.
Grade 5/6 will set off on Camp next week, this is an exciting adventure for them. We will usually post photos and updates on our social media, so please remember to check and see what we’re getting up to in Melbourne.
NAPLAN is happening very soon also, we will send home a timetable for NAPLAN. If your child is in Year 3 or 5, please ensure they are at school on these days unless they are sick. NAPLAN forms important data for us as a school so that we know which areas we need to focus on and where we are doing well.
Lastly, so often in our newsletter, I speak about Pope Francis and particular prayers or thoughts that he has for us as a Catholic community. This week, Pope Francis is unwell in hospital, and we are being told he is in a critical condition. Please pray for Pope Francis, that he is receiving the care that he needs and that he is able to recover and return to good health, especially throughout this year of Jubilee.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Term 1 2025
Week 5: 26th February-Foundation Rest Day
Week 6: 5th March- Foundation Rest Day
3rd - 5th March - Grade 5/6 Camp to Melbourne
5th March - Ash Wednesday Liturgy
6th March - Whole School Mass Cancelled
7th March - Whole School Sports Day
8/9 March - Eucharist Commitment Mass 1
Week 7: Foundation First Full week
12th - 14th March - NAPLAN Window Open
15th/16th March - Eucharist Commitment Mass 2
Week 8: 17-21st March - Australian Smile Group
17th - 21st March - NAPLAN
Week 9: 24th March - NAPLAN Last Day
30th March - First Eucharist Celebration 9:30am at Lumen Christi Church
Week 10: 3rd April - End of Term Mass 9:30am
4th April: Grade 5/6 Passion Play and Easter Raffle (Time TBA)
4th April: Last day of term 12.30pm pick up.
Week 1: Term 2
23rd April: Return from school hoildays
Religious Education - Important News
Religious Education - Important News
A note went home last week for this event but a reminder that next week we have a parent meeting for all parents who have a child making a sacrament this year (reconciliation, eucharist and confirmation). This is a compulsory meeting for any parent who has a child who will be doing one of these sacraments this year and will be held at Sacred Heart Church on Tuesday 25th at 5:30pm. Sacrament parents please contact our Religious Education Leader (Janelle Szkwarek) if you have any questions or need to know anything about our Sacraments or the meeting next week.
At Lumen Christi we have our first sacrament coming up,
FIrst Eucharist - 30th March 2025
As a school community we prayer for:
Joshua Sheary
Thomas Breheny
Esmae Fairbrother
Nils Schelfhout
Emmanuel Ryan
Erin Robinson
These students are beginning the process of preparing for their First Eucharist with commitment masses on:
8/9 March
15/16 March
22/23 March
Also coming up soon we have our GRADE 4 EUCHARIST NIGHT which is a night for ALL GRADE 4 students to attend. It includes the children re-enacting the events of the last supper and sharing a meal together of pizza with their special family member. This will be held at school on Wednesday 19th March from 5:30 - 6:30pm. This is something that we have done for the last couple of years to replace the sacrament workshops that we had and it was a really well attended event and our students really enjoyed it. The idea is for students to demonstrate this Sacrament in action and will be a whole Year 4 celebration so that the children receiving the sacrament are supported by their peers and the wider community in their preparation for their First Eucharist. Details about this event will come home shortly.
Please dont hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions about the Sacraments this year. (
The School Savings Bonus is a State Government initiative designed to assist
families with cost-of-living pressures. Under this funding, each eligible student is
entitled to a $400 bonus for application towards activity levies and uniform purchases
from approved supplier. Within our school, all CSEF applicants are eligible to receive
this funding. All families who have a Centrelink Health Care Card and have not
applied for CSEF in the past are encouraged to contact the school office and initiate
an application this year. Please refer to the below link for more information: