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3 August 2020
Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers
re: Return to Remote Schooling
On 2 August 2020, The Hon. Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria declared a State of Disaster and announced that Stage 3 ‘Stay at Home’ restrictions will be reinstated across regional Victoria from 11:59 pm on Wednesday 5 August 2020.
This decision has been made to increase physical distancing across the population and prevent the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).
To assist staff and students prepare for a return to Remote Schooling, Tuesday 4 August 2020 and Wednesday 5 August 2020 will be a pupil free day(s) for all students at Lumen Christi.
All students at Lumen Christi will then return to Remote Schooling from Thursday 6 August 2020. Therefore, all students who can learn from home will be required to learn from home, except where:
- students whose parents, guardians or carers are considered as permitted workers
- students with additional needs who require learning adjustment
- vulnerable students including:
o children in out-of-home care
o children deemed by Child Protection and/or Family Services to be at risk of harm
o children identified by the school as vulnerable (including via referral from a family violence agency, homelessness or youth justice service or mental health or other health service).
Remote Schooling tasks will be assigned to students by their teachers. Information about Remote Schooling and learning materials will be distributed to our parents/guardians/carers in preparation for the return to Remote Schooling. Additional learning materials will be provided throughout Term 3.
Students who attend the School for Remote Schooling will be supervised whilst undertaking the Remote Schooling program which has been designed by our school. As such, your child(ren) will be undertaking the same program as those children learning at home.
In addition, I wish to advise you that your child’s teacher will not necessarily be supervising your child(ren) if they attend on-site Remote Schooling. However, your child(ren)’s teacher will continue to support your child(ren) through the Remote Schooling program.
Further communication will be provided to you in the coming days in relation to registering your intention to send your child(ren) to school for onsite Remote Schooling to ensure that we have sufficient staff on duty to supervise students in attendance.
I wish to reassure you that the safety and wellbeing of our school community will remain our highest priority with physical distancing measures and hand and respiratory hygiene practises remaining in place for all staff and students in attendance.
In accordance with requirements from the Victorian Government all staff will wear a face covering, with limited exceptions applying for teaching staff and Learning Support Officers who may remove a face covering when providing student instruction and a face covering is not practical or where staff have a medical exemption.
Primary school students attending on-site Remote Schooling are not required to wear a face covering irrespective of the students age. However, individual families can make their own decisions regarding their children wearing a face covering whilst attending primary school.
Parents, guardians and carers will be required to wear face coverings whenever they leave the house, including for school drop off and pick up. If you are travelling in a car alone, or only with members of your household, you do not need to wear a mask.
I appreciate that this rapidly changing situation is a very challenging time for all in our community and your cooperation with our return to a Remote Schooling program is very much appreciated.
School staff will be available throughout the Remote Schooling program and you are asked to make contact directly with your child’s teacher if there are any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or learning program.
During this difficult time, we must all take care to support one another. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with those who may be unwell, and those who are working to keep our community safe.
If you require further information please contact the school.
Yours sincerely
David Cooper