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A few weekends ago the Gospel reading recalled Jesus preaching to a crowd, a speech that included what is referred to us the Beatitudes. Along with the mantra of 'Love one another as I have loved you', the Beatitudes serve as a playbook for life. I came across this interpretation of the Beatitudes in COVID times - maybe some phrases may speak to you or jolt you back to times when we where hunting through shops for toilet paper. We pray for our families and friends, here and abroad, as they continue to be impacted by the trauma of this global pandemic.
Occasionally we share as part of our newsletters the ALONG THE TRACK Reflections written by Jim Quillinan. Jim is a lovely, wise man who has a terrific way of linking the events of our time to the ancient wisdom contained in our Catholic tradition - this is called Recontextualising. I encourage you all to take a look at his latest offering, 'Following in the Footsteps of Others'.
We are now stocking Summer School Dresses onsite. Purchases can be made via CDFpay $36.
We have a few of each size in the Uniform Shop, with the turnaround for ordering in more stock now much quicker than in the past.
As always we welcome your donations of second hand uniform items for the Uniform shop that we can then re-sell which then helps us continue to provide low cost second hand uniforms to everyone in our school community.
All new uniform items can be ordered through the CDF Online App with the items then sent home with the children.
At the moment we have a display rack in the foyer for families to try for sizes, with this also available during our Prep Transition sessions.
Just a reminder to families to remember to contact the office via phone or the school app/website to notify us if you child is away or is running late so that we can update our attendance records. Families are also encouraged to contact us prior to a planned absence (eg.appointments) so we can pre-record absent days.
With the new school office now being available to parents, any late arrivals or early dismissals can be done via the iPad in the reception foyer.