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Dear Families and Friends,
I hope you had the chance to see the beautiful rainbow that parked itself over the very top of Lumen Christi this morning. In the Bible we read of God giving Noah a sign of hope through a rainbow, and by looking at the sense of wonder on the faces of the students this morning I wonder if God was giving us a reason to be joyful and hopeful this week.
What a funny few weeks we have had, but can I report at how well we have all settled back into learning so smoothly after the short lock-down. As a staff can we reach out to parents to acknowledge the great work families have done to manage this situation with their children. We hear about the need to shelter children from the negativity in the news, but this needs to be done in a balanced way so that the children receive an age-appropriate level of information so that they are informed. As always we need to trust in the resilience capacity of our children and guide them sensibly through times when things don't go their way. Obviously I would much rather have certainty about my travel plans for the weekend or when I can visit my Melbourne based grand-daughter but at the moment I just have to understand that those decisions are out of my control. What is in my control though is my attitude and behaviour.
With the lock-down came some forced changes and as yet we are in no position to reschedule them until the government guidelines change. Some of these events are confirmation and Parent-Teacher interviews. We are thinking they will now take place in Term 3. What has been rescheduled is our Catholic Education Week Celebration day which is now happening this Friday - including the rescheduled Pizza lunch.
Due to the enhanced health guidelines implemented due to the COVID lock-down we require all parents and site visitors to wear a mask while they are onsite, and if you are coming into the school ground you must sign in on the Vic Services App via the Q-Code on display in the Office window. We thank everyone for their support in ensuring we are compliant for I would hate to be in a position where our systems were questioned and we were shutdown unnecessarily.
This week we have switched every door in the school to the Salto security system that was put in place throughout the new Admin area. This system will provide an amazing level of site security which can only continue to add to my demands of the school being a safe, professional and efficient environment for learning and working.
Please note that we have added an electronic copy of the Pie Drive to this newsletter and remind families that orders are due back tomorrow - Orders can also be submitted via the CDF-Pay App. The app is the simplest and most efficient way for your order to be processed so please jump online and grab some pies for the cold weeks ahead.
Finally the highlight of the week has been the arrival of our new Admin Officer, Connie Tulloch. We welcome Connie to our school community. She is here everyday from 8am to 4pm, except on Tuesdays.
Have a great finish to the week, enjoy the long weekend.
Catholic Identity & Religious Education
Please take note of these dates for your family calendar
Wednesday 8th June: Pie Drive orders due (Cash or CDF-Pay)
Friday 11th June: Catholic Education Week Celebration & Pizza Lunch
Monday 14th June: Public Holiday
Thursday 24th June: Bring a CAN if you can Day
Friday 25th June: End of Term (12.30pm finish)
Sports Dates
Soccer (to be rescheduled)