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Dear Families
It has been announced that the lock-down will be extended beyond Tuesday the 20th July. While we await actual confirmation we still need to be responsive as a school community and therefore have listed a few items and answers for your consideration.
If your circumstances align with the guidelines you may ask for your children to attend onsite supervision. This is strictly when you are away from home to attend work. We ask for your support to ensure this facility is only used as a last resort when no other supervision option is available for you as a family.
Due to the lock-down moving beyond a few days we have allocated resources to dismantle the computer trolleys. If you need your child's school computer at home so they can access the Google Classroom & Meets please complete the electronic form below then come to the school to collect the devices. When onsite please come to the office and ask for the device/s (Please have only one adult come onsite).
Due to the lock-down all school events have been postponed.
- Parent-Teacher Interviews will not go ahead as planned but classroom teachers will start making contact with families via phone. Please be aware that the school number or unfamiliar number may be trying to call you.
- Confirmation will be postponed to another time
- Division Soccer will be rescheduled
The school website offers resources around Remote Learning, Online Safety, Mental Health & Crisis Support and IT resources. Please take some time to look around to see what is on offer. If you think we could add something extra please let us know.
Take care, stay safe - get vaccinated!